Experience a supported spiritual life.

You are an explorer of your own life. You prefer to experience Truth from the inside out. You understand listening deeply to and for the more-that-is-here.

If that is you, let us continue.
If it isn’t you, let us begin . . .

EVENT: Call for Participation

Food for the Contemplative Soul

You’re invited to gather at a virtual table for a community Feast. Enjoy inspiring art and conversation and reflect on contemplative spirituality in good company.

This is food for the soul—and it’s a potluck. What would you like to bring to share?

Get details here.

what you seek is seeking you


what you seek is seeking you :・゚⋆。°・:*:。

 Why and how

We’re wired to care, especially about the deeper things of life.  We would like to live a life of purpose, of meaning—how can we establish what has meaning for us? Specifically for us? I’m talking about the kind of meaning that comes precisely to you and speaks your language. You sense it in your own being: You know and you’re known. From this felt center, everything else revolves. Once we have experienced this home base, we always want to come back—back to center, home. Then, the rest of our life expression wants to reference from That Place.

There are hundreds of ways to become more aware of this Center that is Everywhere, and most assuredly, is within you, me, and everyone.

I help spiritual seekers know and feel known ↓