“I see God as a joyful confounder, a loving streetfighter devoted to defeating our imagined separateness from divine belonging.”

pronouns: she/her

Dinah Stinson is an explorer of the vastness of GOD, which and whom she experiences as infinite, persistent, ever new, ever available mind-bogglingly loving intelligence.

She loves to be with others who want to dive deeper. She listens deeply, hosts contemplative conversations, and offers out what comes to her from the spiritual field; The Tuning Field.

Because of her profound experiencing of this Great God, and because she wishes to be as true to her personal experiencing as possible, Dinah expresses herself in a bold, imaginative, and unconventional manner.

My work style is whole + parabolic

My background, personality, and professional training are contemplative, so the means I employ for the work of inner engagement are also contemplative. For me, the ‘means’ is primarily a particular quality of listening that is whole and parabolic.


Staying tuned as much as possible to more than what the mind thinks it knows.


When in a situation of deep attunement (aka deep listening), parabolic means (to me) that when you are speaking with intention to come into contact with something deeper and unknown (in your life and being), I as the listener can function energetically similar to a parabolic dish—conveying and resonating sound waves.

In this way, your act of seeking intention is supported and met, resonated, and returned. In a way we don’t understand, that which you are seeking becomes somehow available, more visible, more knowable. Read more about this here.

Many of us already engage at times in the manner described above. Focused, conscious listening on someone else’s behalf is a service of the heart, and it is the participation of the hearts of both individuals that makes the difference. The Heartful Universe is always here to support.

When we bring our unveiled heart and mind in order to hear what’s being given, the Heart of the Universe is found to be giving. We can bring our unveiled heart and mind to the table, and always find food for the soul.

There is dark, yes—AND, plenty of light.

My personal spiritual journey

I am passionate about my spiritual life.

My own journey seems to have been prompted by a single childhood visit to a military chapel service. Something there rang a bell in me, and I wrote my first little prayer response.

Over time, I did a lot of exploring. I’m really grateful to have experienced some of the ways people conceive of God, and I always felt welcomed in the various communities. 

I have developed a deep understanding of the challenges and rewards of seeking a deeper connection with the divine.

In 2018, I trained as a spiritual director through Shalem Institute.

I am grateful to be helping others on their own spiritual journeys—and I look forward to helping you, wherever you're going.

Today, I get to work with people from all walks of life, helping them to explore their own spiritual paths and connect more deeply with their inner wisdom.

I use a range of approaches, including Focusing, embodiment, and sound, to help people tap into their own inner guidance and find meaning and purpose in their lives.

A life of spiritual adventures

I was born to a Presbyterian father and late-convert Christian Scientist mother.

As a teenager, I spent four years as a member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon).

After college and as a new parent, Lutheran theology spoke to me.

In middle age, I began writing and sharing devotional and ‘God’-oriented music.

In my late 50s, I studied Focusing and NVC (Non-Violent Communication).

In my early 60s, I became a student in the Spiritual Guidance program at Shalem Institute in D.C.

At 65, I closed my cherished massage practice near Seattle.

Now, I offer spiritual accompaniment and community in a variety of forms.

“It’s as if the issue for which I seek Dinah’s help simply lifts or evaporates after a session with her.”

- E.M.E.

Text on a page is good, but so is face-to-face!

I gladly offer free 15-minute consultations if you’d like to meet or ask a question about my services.