Spiritual Direction

I offer free 15-minute consultations and paid 30-minute and 60-minute sessions.

But first, what is Spiritual Direction?

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Do you ever think about meaning? Purpose?

Do you wonder how you can hone in on what feels real to you, and find what is deeply, personally ‘right’ as a way of experiencing yourself, in your life?

Do you imagine doing this in and within a bigger presence than your own? A presence some call God, or a Higher Power?

I think about these things, too—but in a different way than I used to.

In fact, for 7 years I dumped the word ‘GOD’ so that some of what I had stuck to it could fall away.

It was scary, refreshing, cleansing, wonderful and informative. So full of my own discoveries. And guess what else?  FREEING!

What is the top amazing thing I noticed? 

God never left. God wasn’t insulted.

I kept tuning into and turning toward what felt Resonant Toward Me; Specific, inviting, available, kind, out of any box. Surprising, creative, intimate. 

Many additional ‘names’ for God became apparent to me, such as:

Complete & Utter Perfection
Home of my being
The Center

Exploring God and you in God might be an important part of your life adventure. If God is infinite, loving, intelligent, and both vast and personal, there is plenty of content, in both you and in God.

Spiritual Direction is about exploring
God and you-in-God, all for yourself.

The process often utilizes a companion, like myself, whose chosen work is to accompany another person’s spiritual explorations.

The practice of what is formally called Spiritual Direction dates back to the 4th century and has participants the world over.

Sessions in Spiritual Guidance include plenty of conversation, silent pauses, deep listening, and whatever tools and activities feel inviting to both of us. 

It’s important for me to say that Spiritual Direction has no hierarchy.

The true director is that which you sense as guidance and presence inside yourself. Signs, words, signals and prompts abound outside of us, yet the true guiding resonance occurs inside oneself. Each of us is capable of inner recognition of something meant just for us at any given time. Spiritual Direction is about how YOU experience God.

Whether you are noticing a first nudge of curiosity about spiritual matters or you think a lot about GOD, you might try Spiritual Direction as a safe way to deepen and broaden, to give voice to questions, or just to find a way to hang on. 

Some individuals want a single session, some want random sessions, and some come regularly. I offer 15-minute complimentary conversations so that you and I can talk casually about meeting for a full 30 or 60-minute session.

Book a Session

60-Minute Session — $85

Get support in a difficult moment, ask a pressing spiritual question, or simply enjoy the process of discernment in conversation with a skilled and sensitive Spiritual Director.

Package: Three 60-minute Sessions — $225

Multiple sessions allow us to dig deeper, helping you gain momentum as we build on each previous conversation. We can identify a special topic or explore your spirituality over three rich hour-long virtual sessions.

Sliding scale pricing is available.


  • No shoulds, only this: I have a gift for a particular type of listening; the kind that helps us both hear what needs to be heard.

    And this: Are you feeling a resonance with some of what I have expressed on my website? Resonance is an energy of attraction and attunement that occurs within you when something in you signals YES to something else. If you have no idea as to what I am talking about but feel interested, I invite you to make a one-time, free 15-minute appointment so we can experience how we are together. That appointment tends to answer the question about working together or not. There’s no obligation to work with me. I think of it as field research. We might feel very comfortable with each other, yet discover that a different Spiritual Director is a better fit for you. It’s all good information.

  • It’s important for me to say that Spiritual Direction has no hierarchy. The true director is that which you sense as guidance and presence inside yourself. Signs, words, signals and prompts abound outside of us, yet the true guiding resonance occurs inside oneself. Each of us is capable of inner recognition of something meant just for us at any given time. In fact, just to tell you something about my own spirituality: I would capitalize the words Loving Intelligence, because that descriptive really fits for me as another name for God as I experience God. Spiritual Direction is about how YOU experience God.

  • Sessions in Spiritual Guidance include plenty of conversation, silent pauses, deep listening, and whatever tools and activities feel inviting to both of us. Whether you are noticing a first nudge of curiosity about spiritual matters or you think a lot about GOD, you might try Spiritual Direction as a safe way to deepen and broaden, to give voice to questions, or just to find a way to hang on.

    Some individuals want a single session, some want random sessions, and some come regularly.

  • Of course! I offer 15-minute complimentary conversations so that you and I can talk casually about the possibility of meeting for an actual session.

    Simply select a time that works for you, share your name and email address, and I will respond by sending a link to my Zoom room where we can connect. It’s all easy. One click on the Zoom link at the agreed upon time, and we will find ourselves together in a virtual room. If you do not have private (or any) computer access, we can talk on the phone. I will send a reminder email the day prior to our appointment.

    ~If you feel curious, but not quite ready for a real-time talk, perhaps visit the two online resources at the bottom of this page and read more. Those who serve as spiritual directors are very diverse in personality, background and in the unique modalities they use to support you as the unique individual you are.

  • Hardly. In fact, my own theology, though grown in the soil of Christianity, is quite eclectic and leaves out a lot of what traditional and/or orthodox Christians believe.

    Christian theology is part of my upbringing and approach. It is not the only spiritual perspective I hold, appreciate, or welcome. You will find elements of various faiths and spiritual traditions in these offerings. People from all spiritual backgrounds can benefit from the kind of inner work services I offer.

“It is a Gift being in Dinah’s presence. Dinah has deep listening, deep perception, deep reflection and deep discernment skills. I have had the pleasure of benefitting from her expertise in many of her unique services: Focusing, Spiritual Direction, and the weekly Spiritual Kinship Circle. In each, I’ve been transformed and left rather in awe. Her authentic spiritual guidance is gentle yet powerful.

I feel genuinely seen and heard by Dinah, and I whole-heartedly recommend Dinah to anyone who desires to simply feel better about life, and to those who are seeking to live in communion and alignment with their Source.”

- E.M.E.

Make a way to the core of yourself, and banish all other impressions.
— Hafiz

Feel curious but not ready for a real-time talk?

Check out these two resources to learn more:

People who serve as spiritual directors are very diverse in personality, background, and the unique modalities they use to support you as the unique individual you are.