What is Focusing?

Focusing is a rich process of becoming aware of that which you need to become more aware. What does that even mean? 

Developed in the 1960s by Dr. Eugene Gendlin and now practiced internationally, the process called Focusing is a unique process of experiential embodied knowing of whatever it is your whole self needs to understand in order for your life to feel fully right again. 

Here is one of Gendlin’s illuminations about “the body”:

“When I use the word “body,” I mean much more than the physical machine.  Not only do you physically live the circumstances around you, but also those you only think of in your mind. Your physically felt body is in fact part of a gigantic system of here and other places, now and other times, you and other people – in fact, the whole universe. This sense of being bodily alive in a vast system is the body as it is felt from inside.”

That’s one tiny, thought-stirring excerpt from Eugene Gendlin’s book first published in 1978, titled Focusing.

How does Focusing work?

The basic process

Focusing is most often practiced with two individuals.

One person Focuses on their inner terrain and the other person supports (aka Companions). The Companion supports the process without being instructive, allowing the natural unfolding of what comes.

Here’s a video explanation of how Focusing works.

First, the Focuser is guided by a Companion into a more interior, less visually influenced availability of awareness. Here, in your interior “space,” uninfluenced by external input, you can begin to sense and describe what you notice.

Before long, Something stands out from your other noticings. It subtly calls for your attention.

You acknowledge this Something.

Soon a relating-ness begins. Or, an image appears, or a sensation is felt somewhere in your body, or you become aware of a color. As you engage with whatever it is, you begin to perceive what meaning this Something is conveying to you.

This understanding or shift is experienced in your whole being as the thing you most needed to know, and now know.

I offer two kinds of Focusing support:

  • Coaching as to how Focusing works

  • Companioning your Focusing process


  • In my opinion, the top benefits are:

    • increased ability to be open

    • increased humility, aka I can’t and don’t know everything

    • increased ability to listen within and without

    • increased trust in the supportive activity of unseen resources

    • increased acceptance of oneself

    • increased ability to experience and live in connection; deep, meaningful, ever more real connection with oneself and others.

  • Yes. I am a dedicated, long-time student of the Focusing technique. I have undergone extensive training, accumulating years of hands-on and classroom experience. I am a professional committed to skillful and passionate support of your unique Focusing experience.

  • This varies widely, taking from one session to even six months. The latter was true for a now prominent teacher of Focusing who understood the power and benefit of Focusing but couldn’t seem to experience it herself. Once you have the hang of it, you can continue to expand your ability to Focus over a lifetime.

  • Start with Eugene Gendlin's books, such as Focusing and The Power of Focusing. These insightful works provide in-depth knowledge about the technique. I will also offer personalized recommendations and resources during your sessions to enhance your understanding and practice of Focusing.

    You can also explore The International Focusing Institute’s website. There, you will find a wealth of information, including membership, online classes, retreats, events, etc.